Dear YongMing, my lovely and one and only cousin brother in (Cheong's family tree).... if you're reading this, i just want to say i'm so so so so sorry that i missed your birthday and thank you so much for the cake that you left over at grandma's place.....i promise i'll make it up to you!!!
you're 17 already!!! so big boy d!! hahaha!!!! we grew up together and both of us known as the JCYM's... Jeffrey Cheong YongMing and Jodie Cheong YiMei....=D.....
this guy here, he is super smart and intelligent in studies! kind and honest.....a good boy too!!! Not forgetting, he writes his own creative stories and send it to the star news paper.......i'm sure you peeps must be thinking so what?? but his name came out in the newspaper ok!!!....written there Cheong YongMing hahahahahha!!!! plus not any ordinary people can do must be super smart and creative..... I'm very proud of you......
wish you all the best in form 5 ming ming heheheheheheheheheh!!!! although i'm only 2 months older than you but i'm still your big sister muahahahahahahahhahahah!!!!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
it's a special day for your love ones, and maybe yourself too!!!! who knows?! your crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, gay or lesbian partners, friends or family......its the best day to express your feelings to someone who means a lot to you..... its only once a what the hell??!!! just say it out loud and say I LOVE
my valentines day with my L.O.M.L. was great! =)... and guess what??! haha it's actually my third time receiving valentine's gift from him lol.... form 4 was the, 2 bottles of notes saying lets play pool mei i remembered!! we used to be pet brother and sister, furthermore, always hang around in asia cafe after school playing pool together hahahah!!!! form 5 was a billabong wallet that cost 170 buck, roses, and 2 love letters.....
and this year 2009's gift is TADA!!!!
a music box
WAIT! there's more in it
a heart shape necklace
and a ring
not forgetting a single rose too! =))) 

this is what i made him..... 
konyaku jelly!!
and also bought him a top shop sweater 
now lets talk about movies shall we?
8/10. its a very nice story line...the fella who wrote this story is so darn creative! think about it, instead of growing older, you grow younger....BRAD PITT IS SO HOT!
7/10 i didn't watch part, i don't really understand what's going on...but its funny, some said its just like part one....
9.5/10 it's a good good show.Slumdog Millionaire won five critic's choice award, four Golden Globe and seven BAFTA awards, including Best Film, and has been nominated for ten academy award. it's about a boy named JAMAL joined (who wants to be a millionaire) so that he could get the girl that he loves attention and he became a millionaire by able to answer all the questions.....But when the show breaks for the night, before answering his final question police arrest him on suspicion of cheating. Jamal proves his innocence by telling the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to each one of the game show's questions. cool ei?
7/10. its about an ambitious women who loves everything she got....then she is offered a temporary assignment, which is in the middle of nowhere.....What begins as a straightforward job assignment becomes a life changing experience as she discovers greater meaning in her life and most unexpectedly, the man of her dreams.
THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY!! I'm lovin it =)
it's a special day for your love ones, and maybe yourself too!!!! who knows?! your crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, gay or lesbian partners, friends or family......its the best day to express your feelings to someone who means a lot to you..... its only once a what the hell??!!! just say it out loud and say I LOVE
my valentines day with my L.O.M.L. was great! =)... and guess what??! haha it's actually my third time receiving valentine's gift from him lol.... form 4 was the, 2 bottles of notes saying lets play pool mei i remembered!! we used to be pet brother and sister, furthermore, always hang around in asia cafe after school playing pool together hahahah!!!! form 5 was a billabong wallet that cost 170 buck, roses, and 2 love letters.....
and this year 2009's gift is TADA!!!!
a music box
now lets talk about movies shall we?

THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY!! I'm lovin it =)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Check out my sister=D

that's my sister can sing fluent korean song, and she's the forum's singer...the korean fan club....hehe!!! honestly speaking i'm very very proud of her....
i also recorded myself singing and post it on youtube... same song lol! i just wanted to see people's comment...its only 2 1/2 hours after posting it on far no one insulted=D and 76 people viewed within 2 1/2 hours....after that i deleted it....because my baby didn't want me to post it....its understandable...i shouldn't posted it with my face along....
so i'll do it another time....but this time i'll sing with my sister.....=D.....
Thursday, February 12, 2009
prom pictures 2
L.O.M.L. (LOVE OF MY LIFE) always=)))))

can't wait for my cheer team's new costume....
p/s: my baby can do back hand spring already=D..(back flip) WIPEE!!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
am i an angel like you baby?

baby if you reading this i just want you to know that I'm at home and didn't do anything bad k k.....i love you and i hope you're doing the right thing at Genting k k....muax!!
i spend a night with Cass and Aileena yesterday!! I'm telling you it was great and fun, you make me happy babes!!! i didn't sleep until 9 a.m, Aileena and Cass were mad....they actually ate breakfast after that, until 11 a.m...only started sleeping!!! i didn't follow them because I'm exhausted and super tired....they are crazy i tell you!!!! they actually disturbed me and trying to wake me up when they reached home!!!!!
first we chit chat, then we played mah jong the whole morning, after that teong jin came awhile...we also made a video for sook wai hahahaha!!!!.....while watching movie, Aileena and Cass put make up for me purposely make me look hilarious, ridiculous and fugly!! lol....and i meant FUCKING UGLY and took some fugly pictures of ate tons of snacks.....told stupid jokes and laughed our asses off.....(imagine)
and i can't wait for next week because it will be at my place heheheheheheh!!!!!!
I'm still waiting for Cass to call me......
Friday, February 6, 2009
sis is in bangkok =(
I'm kinda upset today, my sister is at Bangkok now, she left at 10 a.m today.... I'm not jealous okay? I'm just worried about her safety a lot....just so you know, Bangkok is having some politic problems and people got beat up and hurt.....the unlucky ones died....
the sickest thing ever is, she's there just to attend her favourite artist's CONCERT!!!!! KOREANS!!!!!!! the S.M's artist will be there.....i just can't wait for her to be home here in Malaysia by 12Th of February....she'll be there for 6 days.....but thank god she's not those crazy fans who run around crying and grab those artist....*PHEW*

SIS if you're reading this i just want you to know....I'll be waiting for you to come home and be safe....
GTG get ready for cheer now and gonna sleepover in Cassy's place after that.....
I'm kinda upset today, my sister is at Bangkok now, she left at 10 a.m today.... I'm not jealous okay? I'm just worried about her safety a lot....just so you know, Bangkok is having some politic problems and people got beat up and hurt.....the unlucky ones died....
the sickest thing ever is, she's there just to attend her favourite artist's CONCERT!!!!! KOREANS!!!!!!! the S.M's artist will be there.....i just can't wait for her to be home here in Malaysia by 12Th of February....she'll be there for 6 days.....but thank god she's not those crazy fans who run around crying and grab those artist....*PHEW*

SIS if you're reading this i just want you to know....I'll be waiting for you to come home and be safe....
GTG get ready for cheer now and gonna sleepover in Cassy's place after that.....
guess what?? i took pictures of my baby....when we're 3g-ing, that's why it's blur....we didn't see each other for like, what?? 1 day?? haha!!! this is what we'll do......this shows i miss him like mad....=DD....I'm crazy hahahaha!!!!
i make him do stupid faces....and he still look good in it....*hit me* jealous!!!!

my hubby=)))...
i make him do stupid faces....and he still look good in it....*hit me* jealous!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

my baby and i planned to cut our hair on the same day and surprise each other....i can't stop bugging him to cut his hair and he was suppose to cut like David Beckham....mohawk.....and i was suppose to fix my fringe to make it shorter but still side parting, still maintain the same hair style....
coincidentally, my hair dresser's shop was closed that, i followed my baby, he can't wait to cut his hair, so am i....
after cutting his hair, he looks fine and great!!! until the hair dresser highlighted his hair for free.....he earns point, so that's how he gets free....oh my god!!!! we wanted the colour brown, the hair dresser said it is brown....IS NOT BROWN GOD DAMN IT!!! IT'S GOLD!!!!! and now he looks like rempit...=((.....
when i sat beside him.....i told the hair dresser i think i wanna cut my he called his colleague....which is a half guy, half girl, if you know what i asked him/her if i look nice with no parting and cut it straight above my eyebrows.....i don't think he/she understands English and he/she just cut it!!!!! ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i look like a typical Chinese!! i should wait for my real hair dresser..=(
LOOK AT THIS!!!! I DON'T WANNA BE LALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank god i watched bride wars before i cut my hilarious hair!!! hehe!!!!!

and yes!!! it's about friendship and how important wedding is, for brides.....