my baby and i planned to cut our hair on the same day and surprise each other....i can't stop bugging him to cut his hair and he was suppose to cut like David Beckham....mohawk.....and i was suppose to fix my fringe to make it shorter but still side parting, still maintain the same hair style....
coincidentally, my hair dresser's shop was closed that day....so, i followed my baby, he can't wait to cut his hair, so am i....
after cutting his hair, he looks fine and great!!! until the hair dresser highlighted his hair for free.....he earns point, so that's how he gets free....oh my god!!!! we wanted the colour brown, the hair dresser said it is brown....IS NOT BROWN GOD DAMN IT!!! IT'S GOLD!!!!! and now he looks like rempit...=((.....
when i sat beside him.....i told the hair dresser i think i wanna cut my fringe....so he called his colleague....which is a half guy, half girl, if you know what i mean....lol....i asked him/her if i look nice with no parting and cut it straight above my eyebrows.....i don't think he/she understands English and he/she just cut it!!!!! ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i look like a typical Chinese!! i should wait for my real hair dresser..=(
LOOK AT THIS!!!! I DON'T WANNA BE LALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank god i watched bride wars before i cut my hilarious hair!!! hehe!!!!!

and yes!!! it's about friendship and how important wedding is, for brides.....