if you ask me how is my school's prom....well i give 4/10
the food was not that good
performances, can be better....
activities, BAD!!
host, i like the host....
prom king is not shou yee!
prom queen it's Alex!! i'm happy with that
Dramatic award, I'm cool I'm cool, but cass in my heart you're still the most dramatic girl i know.....
Jester, goes to wei shen, I'm happy
but there's no best dressed award for guys and girls....sad ei? I wonder why people paid so much to dress up for???custom made it, or even rent an expensive dress.... hahah!!!
the dance floor....was fun and the best over all....because that's when you get to hang around with your friends AND DANCE BOOM BOOM!!!! =D
majorities are not happy about one thing is....
it's like a milo's boss put himself/herself in an advertisement, sorry to say but..committee member is the nominees for the awards???not one but all.....
what people don't agree is, they should give other people a chance... although they've worked their asses off....but every year no committee member have ever done that before and our year's the first.....
that's what i think and my comments....but thanks for making it happen....
PICTURES....more to come k k because i didn't bring my own camera there hehe!!! stupid me....

p/s; wai, send me our pictures together-gether k.......