I'm kinda upset today, my sister is at Bangkok now, she left at 10 a.m today.... I'm not jealous okay? I'm just worried about her safety a lot....just so you know, Bangkok is having some politic problems and people got beat up and hurt.....the unlucky ones died....
the sickest thing ever is, she's there just to attend her favourite artist's CONCERT!!!!! KOREANS!!!!!!! the S.M's artist will be there.....i just can't wait for her to be home here in Malaysia by 12Th of February....she'll be there for 6 days.....but thank god she's not those crazy fans who run around crying and grab those artist....*PHEW*

SIS if you're reading this i just want you to know....I'll be waiting for you to come home and be safe....
GTG get ready for cheer now and gonna sleepover in Cassy's place after that.....