well,i told him how bad it turned out.....he got a shock haha......he told me that,seeing "HIM" and i together makes him happy because we're the cutest couple and is his favourite......hmm.....honestly speakin he's not the only one who said it........
he said that we're so perfect!!!!always play with each other, bullying, see each other everyday and NEVER get bored (in school,same class,after school,sometimes weekend) imagine that....always hang out with each other like no any other couples did..and its been more than 15 months we did this.....
his family and mine knows that we're together eventhough we're young...met his whole family and he met mine...thats not the worst part k,his friends are my friends and my friends are his friends.....my friends said he say that he thought we'll last long.......

i was thinkin no matter how perfect we so called were.......it'll end someday too........no matter how much i want to hold him right now.......
my mistake is seeing him everyday......if we didn't, we'll be with each other longer......
i told him that we argue a lot after i quit my activities....well he did make some sense into me by saying,which couple never did that before??? argueing.....there're worst......
there's a girl broke down and cry to him because of some stupid reason.....well i'm the one should be or her?? its been more than a year...even if i did cry will he still care??i guess everyone i know,knows the answer....
he and i been through so many things that i don't even want to think about it anymore.....i guess no one knows i gave him so many things that no one else did......i love him too much.......
how would it feel like to be in my position?? i don't think you want to imagine it at all....its too hurtfull......even i can't take it anymore.....
if you think i'm cruel and mean to you that i bullied a small girl, think bout it, i didn't fight back like how i did anymore k......whatever it is, i wish you both happiness.....i will definately back off.......is because i love you.......
turning to~tear drops of my guitar by taylor swift.