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    lesson for my peeps

    well......its been a long time since i went blogging...not in a mood because so many things happened.....

    from what i've experienced ,girls listen up....NEVER COUNT ON YOUR BOY FRIENDS TO DO ANYTHIN FOR YOU....

    i'll tell you why.....first of all, guys or your boyfriend usually got jealous when you perform here and there,then makes you quit and also say you don't spend enough time am i right??what i'm trying to say is make yourself busy and take some space for yourself too....what you do,you should not stop!!!! i meant not always keeping yourself busy 24/7....atleast 4 times a week......

    i'm telling you this because when you quit everything for your guy...you'll feel lonely and boring because you got no more activities,then you start counting on him to be right beside you....because of your loneliness ....trust me....they'll think you're irritating and annoying because you kept bugging him even if he say we (GIRLS) don't spend enough time with him......so i advice you not to quit your daily activities for him......NEVER!!!!!.....

    he'll might be with you 24/7 after making you quit.......but not for long.......always remember that!!!! after that he'll start to change and treats you weird because he thinks you're not giving him any spaces...... that shows how much "he understand you although you did things to make him happy"......thats not the worst part babes.......the worst part is it'll also be a bad habit for yourself too....because you'll always want to spend time with him to make yourself better.....

    GUYS ARE SELFISH!!!THEY'LL MAKE YOU QUIT YOUR ACTIVITIES AND THEN AFTER THAT DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU KEPT COUNTING ON HIM FOR NOT GETTING BORED.......like i said don't count your boyfriend to do anythin for you.....guys like that should LEARN TO TRUST YOU......he can do his stuff why can't we???

    boyfriends who got jealous but didn't make you quit......thats a good thing......because he understands you and know you love your hobby very much........learn not to count on anyone but yourself!!!

    p/s: from what i've experienced,i didn't stop him from going anywhere.....all i want was he'll keep his promises,and come in time that is all......imagine he hang out so late.....sleep late and promised you to come in time....after putting your make up,dressed up nicely for him end up disappointed why?? because he always come 4 hours later........i quited my things for him......he did spend time with me for a month but ended up things got worst....always argue,treats you different.....him telling white lies,full with disappointments.......lastly,feelings faded.....break up.....