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    (i love you smelly bum bum!!!)

    hey peeps....TODAY I 'PONTENG' MY SCHOOL'S SPORTS DAY!!!!!after the performance yesterday was super tiring. So, i over slept and lazy after that lol......and i'm suppose to run!!!!!!!! RUN RUN RUN!!!!!...i'm so sorry!!!!! feel super super bad.....and selfish.....well if i run i'll cause my team and they'll get last.......

    During lunch time sam,tiff and my baby came and pick me up and we ate lunch together....at the KOPITIAM RESTAURANT.....hehe!!!!

    (my baby being vain)



    First name- Cheong.

    Nickname- Mei, yimei, olive, jodie,those who can't remember my name calls me)ebay, sai b, BUCHUK!!.

    Name you wish you had- ABIGAIL.

    What do people normally mistake your name as - limei.

    Birthday- 26th of December 1991

    Birth place- Selangor,Subang Medical Centre.

    Time of birthday- 5 or 6 in the evening.

    Single- NOPE!!! TAKEN HEHE!!!!.

    Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

    -You appearance-

    How tall are you- 158cm haha

    Wish you were taller- YES PLEASE!!!=(

    Eye colour- Dark brown.

    Eye colour you want- Light colour.

    Natural hair colour- Brown.

    Current hair colour- Brownish.

    Short or long hair- Long or maybe average?

    Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - Never,dad will kill me lol.

    Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - I only blow and perm my hair.

    Do you wear make-up - Yeap! eyeliner haha!!!

    Ever had hair extensions - Nope.

    Paint your nails- During the super long school holidays.

    -In the opposite gender-

    What colour eyes- LIGHT COLOUR!!

    What colour hair- Natural blonde,brown, black.

    Shy or outgoing- Outgoing ler!

    Looks or personality- Personality comes first trust me.

    Sexy or cute- I'LL TAKE BOTH MUAHAHAHA!!!

    Serious or fun- Both, it depends how he reacts

    Older or younger than you- Older.

    A turn on- Body,hair style,dressing

    A turn off- Lala hair colour,YUCK!!!(any one of the rainbow's colour) AND SMOKERS!!!

    -Have you ever-

    Lied - Yeah. Who didn't?

    Hurt someone close to you - Yeap a lot!!!.

    Broke someone's heart - YEAP.

    Had your heart broken - YA!!!=(.

    Wish you were a prince/princess - UH HUH.

    Liked someone who was taken - No.

    Wonder what's wrong with you- Sometimes.

    Shaved your head - NO!!!!!

    Been in love - Yeah.

    Used chopsticks - OF COURSE LA.

    Sang in the mirror to yourself - Hahahah!!!!!!LOL must i answer that??.


    Flower - Pink rose.

    Candy - The long sweet and sour candy.

    Song - Uncountable.

    Scent- Fruity.

    Color - PINK!!! purple,black and white.

    Movie - Comedy, romance.

    Singer - Shania twain, celine dion, whitney.

    Word - Haha

    Junk food - Mr potato!!!!!

    Website - Blog and youtube!

    Location - Beach.

    Animal - PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mammals

    Ever cried over someone - Many times.

    Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - Meattier

    If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - Enchanted?.

    Do you play any sports - Cheerleading!!!!!! badminton.

    The rules:

    -Link to your tagger and post these rules.

    List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people

    1. can't stop talking


    3. LOVES PINK!!!!

    4. noisy

    5. SHOPPING!!!

    6. love performing

    7. vain

    8. EAT EAT EAT!!!

    i would like to tag

    1. YILIAN.

    2. YONG MING.

    3. Shermaine.

    4. Tiffany.

    5. Yirui.

    6. Jeremy.

    7. Wei Zhi.

    8. Sue Hsia.

