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    if you're checking me out

    my dear,why bother losing so many of my friends??? you've got all your new friends which makes your life better isn't it???well that's how u react

    is not that i didn't lose any friends too.....

    hmm......they're my girl friends i love them and they love me,so what if they're older or much more mature???

    you're not alone,you'll never walk alone...you got your guy friends too k...my girls know I'm even more hurtful than you are because you don't love me anymore.......they never hate you my dear.....but don't you think what you did was wrong??by just talking....although nothin else.....i did try to trust you I still do....

    if you're lookin at my blog......if only you bother see..........

    anyway I'll make it up to you........I'll do as you say......I'm not a "DESPERADO" that will always annoy you.....don't worry.....

    whatever I'll do I'll keep it to myself this time.......

    (work hard) belly ring here i come!!!!muahahahahAha~taken by my baby lil shermaine~

    i'm gonna miss you but I'VE got to get a move on with my life.......i guess that's just the way it has to go........