Michael Jackson passed away....its a very sad story though.....when i watched the news about him, they said that he suffered and took medications.....imagine, he wanted to make a "come back" world tour concert but did not have the chance to....though it's a month away.....
anyway, i just wanted to say....... that i will NEVER forget you Michael Jackson.....who composed such different, unique, meaningful and lovely music, invented the moon walk, and your vocal is so unique and high!......and you are...i repeat YOU ARE the most talented and creative person/artist in the world......
Friday, June 26, 2009
I'll never forget you M.J
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
i'm so happy!

olla!!! i'm so happy!!! finally!!! i watched transformer the revenge of the fallen......it's GREAT i tell you!!! i had to admit that megan fox,.....she is hot.....there are so many autobots....pretty cars.....it was kinda sad though towards the ending......i watched it with my hubby, his mummy and uncle chan.....haha!!! andrew's kau fu.....rating 10/10....love it
ok anyway! i want you guys to hear this....this duet version is so nice! love story,
another taylor swift's music video.....hehehe!!! you belong with me..... this Music Video is SO CUTE!!!both, the girls in the music video is actually taylor swift, isn't she pretty....=((
Monday, June 22, 2009

i watched 17 again twice haha!!!with my baby buuuu (Andrew Michael dragon) first time, was in pyramid, with sam and his new girl... and the second time is in klcc with sha and nazreen, today.....it's a nice show though....very unique.....and Zac Efron is hot! =)
fyi!!! we already bought the transformer's movie tickets hehehehe!!!!! though we bought it early, its still kinda full.....

I'm looking forward to get this phone.....i waited for 2 freaking months! before this phone launched in Malaysia....i asked the hand phone stalls salesman.....do you sell N97?..... they gave me that stare and thinks I'm crazy.....and some told me that there's no such phone, it must be china brand, I'm like what??
then i went to this original nokia centre.....i asked them, HI when will N97 launch? i don't think they know it existed.....that's why they asked me how it looks like.....so i explained, and they answered me year 2010.....lol......after all this time WAITING , finally i can prove that this phone does exist and launching already.....and i will get it!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!
okie that's all bye bye!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
well I'll make this fast and simple.....

2. watched monsters vs aliens, very first premier.....3D.....i got to say that the 3D was really nice....not like any other 3D movies.....
well, I'll make this fast and super simple.....
3.also watched night in the museum 2.....it's funny....It's not that lame, come on!
4.HANG out with Cass and Aileena....and we went, up town.....i got a new top hehehe!!!! F.Y.I, cass got a new juicy couture shoes.....i love u guys.....
5.last week....elite all stars performed for the charity, its for the kids......at sunway college
6.yesterday performed at Ampang in the Great Eastern Mall......
7. I'm working in taipan now.....in dad's office
8. Last but not least I'm Subang Utama's Cheer leading coach.....heheheheh!!!!! its nice knowing them actually.....before this, their coach was ERIC.....he taught them other school's routine.... the vulcanz boys..... what the hell right? I'm trying my very best to retrain them better though....and i wont make them as bad as before....but better......
P/S: i miss my googley bear!!!

2. watched monsters vs aliens, very first premier.....3D.....i got to say that the 3D was really nice....not like any other 3D movies.....
well, I'll make this fast and super simple.....

4.HANG out with Cass and Aileena....and we went, up town.....i got a new top hehehe!!!! F.Y.I, cass got a new juicy couture shoes.....i love u guys.....
5.last week....elite all stars performed for the charity, its for the kids......at sunway college
6.yesterday performed at Ampang in the Great Eastern Mall......
7. I'm working in taipan now.....in dad's office
8. Last but not least I'm Subang Utama's Cheer leading coach.....heheheheh!!!!! its nice knowing them actually.....before this, their coach was ERIC.....he taught them other school's routine.... the vulcanz boys..... what the hell right? I'm trying my very best to retrain them better though....and i wont make them as bad as before....but better......
P/S: i miss my googley bear!!!