(miss you wanna kiss you)
I'm stuck at home TODAY and YESTERDAY, all alone and i have a long rest (which is super boring) After that i thought i'm feeling better so i had fried chicken today at home YAY!!!!!! and guess what happen after that??? I LOST MY FREAKING VOICE!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(picture taken in my grandmama's house=D i still look fine even when i'm sick haha)
During dinner time, my second uncle (2 sook) came n pick me, then we head straight to granny's place and i drank her pepper (BABI) soup wahahahahaha!!!!! sweat a lot....feeling much better....and of course, IT'S SUPER YUMMY!!!! better than the fried chicken......
Then daddy bought some medicines from guardians, feeling better than much better haha......that means i don't have to skip school tomorrow and i don't want to because i got 7 important subjects....STUDY MAN STUDY!!!!!
nitey nites, love and kisses by,
yimei *winks*